Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wedding Recap

If you go to my other blog (Trimarni.blogspot.com) and scroll around you will find several wedding posts. You can go here to see some pics:

The wedding was beautiful! I could not have asked for a better day. My family was great and I was so pleased so see how many special people are in my life. More so, Karel's family was able to share our special day with us and that meant so much to me and Karel.
My parents pulled together one of the best weddings I could ever imagine and I am so greatful to have them as my parents.
I am thankful that Karel and I have so many great people in our life and they could all share our day with us. We were filled with laughter, a few happy tears and now, lots of memories of our wedding day.
My photographer (Kimi Carrier http://www.kimicarrier.com/) was awesome! She really took the time to understand the kind of love that Karel and I share and that we are all about having fun and living life to the fullest. If I could recommend a photographer for any event, it would be Kimi!
The DJ was awesome! His name is Jodi B. and he is with Grant Hemond and Associates. He was AWESOME! For those that were at the wedding, he played every song that I requested and everyone was having a blast on the dance floor. Of course, Karel's intro was priceless and we had a blast doing our first dance.
Did you forget the first dance??? Have a look on youtube!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtvEl_u5S24

And lastly, I just want to thank my bridal party, the groom's party and all the other people who were part of the wedding. I believe that everyone that was at our wedding had a special part in our lives and we look forward to sharing many more memories with our close friends and family!
Thank you EVERYONE for making my (I mean our) wedding just priceless...however, my parents will think otherwise about the wedding being "priceless". Thank you mom and dad!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another Animal Saved

I believe that I was put on this earth for a reason. Although it gets to me at times when I find myself crying after I see a grasshopper get hit by bike tires, I just can't help but think that I am suppose to save all animals, bugs, insects and any critter that moves. Karel is use to it by now so when I cry over some 4-legged "friend" he knows to just give me a hug and try to comfort me the best he can. I guess I am a bit sensitive in that area but I can't change the way that I feel. I think we all have our breaking points and well, animals are mine. I must say that I do not force people to be a vegetarian and I do not insist that people give up meat. This is just how I live my life and as long as people respect animals when they are around me then I can associate with anyone....if anything, my favorite restaurant is Outback and I would never turn down a sweet potato and bread just because they serve meat.
On sunday morning after my 60 mile solo bike ride (which was just great after that 1/2 marathon) I rested on the couch as I ate breakfast. Around 12pm I made my way to the apartment pool to enjoy the nice weather and study my microbiology. After about an hour of studying (my limit of "laying out") and talking to Karel on the phone as he was driving back home from Tampa, I decided I would gather my things at 1:30 and head back up to my place.
Around 1:15pm I turned my head and noticed a few young kids who were throwing sticks by the lake (our apartment complex surrounds a lake which is also next to the pool). I didn't think anything of it until I heard a girl tell the three young boys to "stop throwing things at it". Hummm....it???
At this point my animal radar went up and I looked up from my chair to see what the kids were doing. I then heard the young girl say "don't hurt the doggy".
Since there were two other ladies laying out near the pool balcany, I figured I would walk towards them and see what was going on. As I walked toward them I noticed a small little Chihuahua shaking on the side of lake. His paws were covered in dirt and he was scared as can be. I dropped my bag and asked the ladies if they could watch my stuff. I headed around the pool and office to the lake and dropped my towel. In my bikini I stepped down into the bank of the lake and slowly approached the dog. In his defense he was growling and a bit snappy. I like my 10 fingers so I didn't want to touch him and although I like saving animals, I try to be as cautious as possible. Seeing that I am learning all about bacteria in my microbiology class I have a new appreciation for what is in our lakes, food, homes and elsewhere. The dog had a rabies tag on it and with my good eyes I saw an ID number and a phone number. The tag also said Maverick so I started calling him Maverick. To my knowledge, the dog was not Maverick. After calling the "Maverick" clinic (silly me) I was not able to reach anyone until Mon. Also, the clinic is a walk-in clinic and extremely busy so they don't always answer phones or return calls.
After 45 min. of trying to calm down the scared dog I decided I needed to rescue it from whatever conditions it has been in for however long. The other lady was helping me out to figure out what to do and she went and got some meat for it. Apparently it was very hungry. I went up to my apartment and grabbed the travel carrier for Smudla and also grabbed a piece of turkey. I figured it wouldn't like tofu.
I drove my car down to the lake and after about 10 min. of feeding the dog it finally went into the cage. I had to give him a meat path to get into the cage. At this point I still haven't touched him but there was no chopping or barking at me.
I brought him up to my place and Smudla was semi-ok with him. Much better than with my parents cats but she was still a bit concerned over this small little creature in her palace.
I called Karel and explained him the situation after telling him that we have a visitor for the night. He was happy that I saved him and he said he would pick up some doggy food for him. I gave him some water in the carrier but I didn't want him to run around our apartment and get our place dirty with who knows what so I kept him in the cage. After about 20 min. Karel called me again and told me to let him out in the bathroom and I decided that would be good. After I did that, he was wimpering to get out and I finally decided to go in and pet him. He was so good and all he wanted was to be loved. At this point I wasn't that worried that he was a mean dog but ultimately all I wanted to do was find his owners so that they wouldn't be worried.
I really wanted to let him out and run around so I found Smudla's flea shampoo and I gave him a bath. He did ok for the bath but boy he was happy when I was finished. He is a fast little guy and he jumped on the bed and went to sleep on our pillows. He was just doing too many cute things that I couldn't help but like this little guy.
As he was sleeping, I started calling different clinics to see if anyone could help me out with his ID tag but they all said that the Maverick clinic was the only way I could find an owner. I would have to wait til mon morning to call so I was happy that I could enjoy this little friend for a night.
However, when Karel came home he instantly fell in love with him. The doggy was sleeping with me on my lap as I studied and just making himself at home on every comfortable spot in our place. Smudla was still taking her time to introduce herself but she tried sniffing him a few times. The dog doesn't bark unless he wants attention or if Karel comes in the room. What a good watch dog. He slept with me on the couch all night (I went to the couch cause I couldn't sleep last night) and I'm sure he enjoyed sleeping in an air-conditioned apartment as oppose to outside in the muddy lake.
Although we are both enjoying this dog, it is Karel who is truely falling in love with him. Karel named him noodle because well, he is a little noodle :)
This morning I called the clinic from 8-9pm, trying to get ahold of someone. I also called our apartment complex to see if anyone has mentioned about a lost dog. I left a message at the Maverick clinic and after over an hour of calling, I finally spoke with someone.
I was told that the dog has an ID tag for a poodle and the previous owner is a breeder in St. Augustine (which is a good hour from us). I called the guy who matched the ID and no one answered. I hope that this dog can stay with us in its new home. As anyone knows, Karel and I are not only responsible people but we have a lot of love to give. Our little noodle is really enjoying himself at our place. However, if he does have owners I hope that they have a good home for him and he is loved more than we love him already. I do not want the owners to worry about him and I am trying my best to find out who's dog this is, but I just don't understand how someone can not be posting signs, talking to people and just doing everything possible to find their dog??? The clinic even said no one reported the dog missing. I really don't know what else to do and I don't want to "steal" anyone's dog. But for now, I will continue my search as Karel and I play babysitters to our "new" dog :)

I will keep everyone updated but for now, enjoy the pics...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Karel

I posted this on my blog (Trimarni.blogspot.com) on 10/22 so that I could let everyone know that Karel is officially a year older!!!

According to Karel, he is an old man. Turning 32 is hardly old and I know he doesn't feel 32. Plus, with a 26 year old fiance I hope I have kept him young. If anything, I know I have kept him healthy and kept his tummy happy :)

If you know Karel, it is easy to see why I have been so happy for the past 2 years and 4 months. And if you haven't met Karel, it is easy for me to talk about all his great qualities. If I have to think of a bad quality I would ponder for days just to even make-up one bad quality.

Karel has been a blessing in my life since the day we met. Although I was not ready for a relationship at that time in my life, there was something about Karel that I knew I couldn't get enough of. The more I told myself I wasn't ready for a serious relationship, the more I found myself falling in love with Karel.

Karel is one of the most helpful, thoughtful, caring, generous, funny, encouraging and supportive people I have ever met in my life. Lucky for me, I get to spend everyday with him. I have even been told by many of my guy friends that they also wish they had "a Karel" in their lives. I do share him but he must come home to me at night.

Among his many great personal qualities, he is also an amazing athlete who is extremely passionate about cycling. According to me, if Karel had a philosophy for life, I believe he would say "never give up". Clearly, Karel is someone who never gives up when times get tough and regardless if it is a cycling race or something stressful in his life, Karel fights all odds and seems to always come out with an optimistic attitude.

Not only does Karel love cycling (and me) but he loves taking care of our 55 gallon and 20 gallon fish tanks. After my dad gave Karel a 10-gallon tank, Karel turned a tank with a few fish into a hobbie. And without a doubt, Karel is perfectionist with our fish tanks just like he is with bikes and anything else he does in life.
Karel also loves his cat (smudla) who I believe is really MY cat :) Probably because I feed her everyday but I have clearly adopted Smudla and made her a girly-girl cat (hence the pink collar with bows).

Karel is also very close to his family, just like myself, and we both can't wait to have little athletes and start a family of our own. Hopefully we can be great parents just like our parents.

Karel has always supported me in all my adventures and when life gets tough for me he has a way to cheer me up and turn everything around. I am not one who deals with stress very well but to have Karel make me laugh when I am sad just makes me feel much better, no matter what I am stressing about.

I don't feel like I need Karel to live life my life but I can't imagine my life without him. Karel has a lifestyle that is similar to my own and because of that I am so happy. Karel has made me a better person and he gives me strength for all my weakness's. If it wasn't for him, I would have a lot of broken appliances and of course, a bike that I wouldn't know what to do with. I have also found myself doing things that are scary for me or out of my element and because of Karel believing in me, I gain so much confidence from him.

This is also a special day for me as well because it is our 1 year engagement anniversary. Not sure if we will always celebrate these little milestones but I couldn't ask for a better person to come into my life, brake down my routine and show me that is ok to love someone and to not be afraid to just be myself.

Happy Birthday KAREL!!!!